Server security differences

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Server security differences

An alert will be thrown, if two SQL Servers are a failover pair, and there are differences in the security between the two servers. It is a common problem that logins differs between two failover nodes.

To query the Performance Store database for security differences between two servers, use:

exec dbo.s_server_security_diff '[server 1]', '[server 2]'

Logins can be synchronized between servers by executing the “create_statement” from the dbo.v_server_security view.

Note, this is different from “Server differences” in the following way:

  • “Server differences” shows differences in operating system, SQL Server version, trace flags, startup types, etc.
  • “Server configuration differences” shows differences in memory settings, optimize for adhoc workloads, Ole Automation, etc.

The alert will be visible on the Latest stats dashboard.

To exclude specific servers from this alert, see how to use the dbo.team_alert_exclude table in Alerting.

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