Virtual servers with no matching entry in dbo.hosts

Virtual servers with no matching entry in dbo.hosts A virtual server must have a corresponding host entry in the dbo.hosts table. This is used for e.g. license calculations. Hosts can be set in the Performance Store Control Center, see the “Host configuration” section in the Quick Start Guide for details. To query the Performance Store […]

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Log backups older than expected

Log backups older than expected Alert is disabled by default but can be enabled in dbo.alerts by changing enabled from 0 to 1. Alert will be thrown if the last log backup is older than expected. The alert can be configured by editing the statement in the sql column in dbo.alerts. The values for when […]

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Full backups older than expected

Full backups older than expected Alert is disabled by default but can be enabled in dbo.alerts by changing enabled from 0 to 1. Alert will be thrown if the last full backup is older than expected. The alert can be configured by editing the statement in the sql column in dbo.alerts. The values for when […]

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Diff backups older than expected

Diff backups older than expected Alert is disabled by default but can be enabled in dbo.alerts by changing enabled from 0 to 1. Alert will be thrown if the last differential backup is older than expected. The alert can be configured by editing the statement in the sql column in dbo.alerts. The values for when […]

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Sysadmins removed

Sysadmins removed An alert is thrown if a user or group is removed from the sysadmins server role. To query the Performance Store database for details of the action as well as previous sysadmin modifications, use: The alert will be visible on the Latest stats dashboard. To exclude specific servers from this alert, see how to […]

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Sysadmins added

Sysadmins added An alert is thrown if a user or group is added to the sysadmins server role. To query the Performance Store database for details of the action as well as previous sysadmin modifications, use: The alert will be visible on the Latest stats dashboard. To exclude specific servers from this alert, see how to […]

Sysadmins added Read More

Non-existing databases in extended audit exclude

Non-existing databases in extended audit exclude If a database has been included in the dbo.audit_extended_exclude table, but does not exist anymore, this alert will be thrown. To query the Performance Store database for databases that do not exist, but are marked to be excluded from the extended audit functionality, use: The alert will be visible […]

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Non-existing servers in extended audit exclude

Non-existing servers in extended audit exclude If a server has been included in the dbo.audit_extended_exclude table, but does not exist anymore, this alert will be thrown. To query the Performance Store database for servers that do not exist, but are marked to be excluded from the extended audit functionality, use: The alert will be visible […]

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Redo queue size above threshold

Redo queue size above threshold If the redo queue size keeps growing, it can create a bottleneck in the transaction log on the primary server. If the transaction log keeps growing, the log drive can potentially run full and the primary server will stop responding. If the Availability Group redo queue is above 100 GB, […]

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