
Licensing Top panel includes information about the exact number of licenses required. Bottom panels shows the calculations on which the top panel values are based on: For more information see: Licensing Corresponding views in the Performance Store database:dbo.v_license_infodbo.v_license_info_detailed

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Server access dashboard

Server access dashboard The Server access dashboard gives information about access and permissions for users and groups: The dashboard shows if users or groups exists in the server but has been disabled or removed from Active Directory. If this is the case, an alert is thrown for inactive users and inactive groups. It is possible […]

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Database access dashboard

Database access dashboard Information on database users and groups are collected, including scripts to quickly generate the security objects again. This can be very handy in a disaster scenario where a database is restored on a new server, but the server level security objects are missing. They will be easily available from Performance Store. The […]

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Blockings dashboard

Blockings dashboard The Blockings dashboard shows information about all blockings including monitor_loop_id and blocked processes report: Corresponding view in the Performance Store database:dbo.v_blockings Other relevant views in the Performance Store database:dbo.v_deadlocksdbo.v_current_activity (shows blocking chain and immediately identifies root blockers)

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Deadlocks dashboard

Deadlocks dashboard The Deadlocks dashboard shows information about all deadlocks including deadlock graphs: Corresponding view in the Performance Store database:dbo.v_deadlocks Other relevant views in the Performance Store database:dbo.v_blockingsdbo.v_current_activity (shows blocking chain and immediately identifies root blockers)

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Size changes dashboard

Size changes dashboard The Size changes dashboard contains information about file size changes for all monitored databases: From the File size changes dashboard it is possible to quickly identify queries that are the cause of either expansion of the data file or the log file. If a file suddenly expands more than expected, a custom […]

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Errors dashboard

Errors dashboard The Errors dashboard contains information about all errors that has occured in monitored databases: Corresponding view in the Performance Store database:dbo.v_errors Other relevant views in the Performance Store database:dbo.v_latest_stats Capturing errors

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Missing indexes dashboard

Missing indexes dashboard The Missing indexes dashboard contains information about missing indexes in monitored databases: Each SQL Server contains information through various DMVs about missing indexes. This information is reset when the SQL Server service restarts. Performance Store persists missing indexes information across SQL Server service restarts. The date_added column shows when Performance Store noticed […]

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Unused indexes dashboard

Unused indexes dashboard The Unused indexes dashboard shows information about unused indexes in monitored databases: Each SQL Server contains information through various DMVs about unused indexes. This information is reset when the SQL Server service restarts. Performance Store persists unused indexes information across SQL Server service restarts. The date_added column shows when Performance Store noticed […]

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Failover history dashboard

Failover history dashboard The failover history dashboard shows information about failovers: The failover dashboard contains information about failovers, even in periods where Performance Store has been down (for e.g. maintenance). Corresponding view in the Performance Store database:dbo.v_failover_history Other relevant views in the Performance Store database:dbo.v_latest_stats

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