Collation mismatch

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Collation mismatch

Databases with a collation different from the server collation can have a negative impact on database query performance. When queries are using tempdb, tempdb will have the same collation as the server, and plan operators can be affected. In worst case scenarios, the SQL Server engine might choose not to use specific indexes in the database due to collation mismatches.

To query the Performance Store database for databases with a collation mismatch, use:

select s.server_name, d.database_name, s.collation, d.collation
from dbo.v_servers s
left join dbo.v_databases d on d.server_name = s.server_name and d.collation != s.collation
where d.database_name is not null

The alert will be visible on the Latest stats dashboard.

To exclude specific servers from this alert, see how to use the dbo.team_alert_exclude table in Alerting.

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