Availability Group failover

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Availability Group failover

Alert will be thrown if there has been an availability Group failovers within the last 10 minutes.

To query the Performance Store database for availability group failovers within the last 10 minutes, use:

select f.*
from dbo.v_failover_history f
where f.failover_date > dateadd(minute, -10, getutcdate())

Availability Group faillover alerts will be thrown, if an Availability Group has failed over within the last 10 minutes.

Note, when marking a server for maintenance by enabling maintenance mode in the Performance Store Control Center, Availability Group failovers will still be thrown if they have happened within 10 minutes before disabling maintenance mode again.

The alert will be visible on the Latest stats dashboard.

To exclude specific servers from this alert, see how to use the dbo.team_alert_exclude table in Alerting.

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