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Performance Store ensures that the SQL Server data platform is fully compliant by:

  • Automatically handling SQL Server license requirements and costs
  • Automatically auditing server- and database changes
  • Providing statement level audit for requirements like:
    • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
    • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
    • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
    • System and Organization Controls (SOC) 1 and 2
    • California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
    • Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)
    • Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
    • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
    • Basel II
    • NIS2
  • Making sure the platform is patched and up-to-date
  • Ensuring data integrity in backup chains and backups
  • Ensuring that failover nodes are fully identical

Many organizations rely on monthly (often manually created) reports, to tell if backups are taken, servers are patched etc. License costs are often calculated once a year for the yearly true-up, and it can be difficult to get a full overview of the SQL Server landscape, including SQL Server editions, cores, processors, virtual or physical etc. Many organizations do not know, that a secondary node in an Availability Group setup will require a full SQL Server license if it is readable, that a full license is required if backups are set to be taken on the primary, that a full license is required if a single database is on a secondary, and the database is not a part of an Availability Group. It can be difficult to know when to use the benefits of Unlimited Virtualization when using Software Assurance, and often there are substantial savings to be made by implementing the correct licensing strategy.

Performance Store will ensure, that license costs are optimized for the lowest cost possible.

Performance Store will immediately alert if a backup chain is broken, a backup has not been taken within the expected time frame, if a virtual SQL Server migrates to a different host, and by that adding an extra license cost, if there is the slightest difference between failover nodes no matter if it is a difference in e.g. security, configuration or NTFS cluster size.

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