How is Performance Store different from other solutions?

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No other solution is providing a full fledged framework for administering, maintaining and monitoring SQL Servers.

Individual products exists to cover single areas, but none of these matches the functionality of Performance Store.

Compared to other monitoring solutions

A few examples of areas, where Performance Store excels compared to other third-party monitoring solutions:

  • Auditing. Everything is audited including server configuration changes, schema changes and SQL Agent job changes
  • Automated license handling. If an event triggers a change in the SQL Server licensing model, an alert is send, e.g. if a VM vMotions to a different host with a different licensing model, if a non-readable secondary suddenly becomes readable, if a Developer Edition is used in production, if a secondary is having databases that is not a part of an Availability Group, etc. new license requirements are immediately calculated and alerted
  • Monitors when a database was last accessed
  • Sends an alert if a user has a default database set, and the database suddenly is not available for the user anymore
  • Maintains integrity. Sends an alert, if the primary- and secondary are not identical, no matter if it is a difference in e.g. security, configuration or NTFS cluster size
  • Capture login errors
  • Sends an alert if a user takes a non-copy-only backup
  • Automatic detection of unused databases with an option to automatically set them offline. Option to automatically delete the offline databases if they have been offline for a given time period
  • Sends an alert if the primary- and secondaries are placed on the same physical host
  • Scripts all logins, roles, etc. on a server to easily and quickly be able to get up running again in a disaster scenario
  • Execution plans with live query statistics, actual values and passed parameters are captured
  • Monitoring if connections are connecting using a listener or not
  • Directly being able to compare performance on a database after migrating it to a new server
  • Baselines for any metric at any time
  • Captures all errors
  • All changes to schemas, objects, settings etc. can be shown directly on the timelines, making it possible to directly see an impact of a change

Two of the most used SQL Server monitoring products are Redgate SQL Monitor and SolarWinds SentryOne:

Redgate SQL Monitor
SolarWinds SentryOne

The following shows Performance Store compared to these two products.

FunctionalityRedgate SQL MonitorSolarWinds SentryOnePerformance Store
License monitoring
Failover integrity monitoring
Shows multiple servers on single dashboards
Baselining on all metrics
Error monitoring
Obsolete objects monitoring
Linux support
Works even when the monitoring server is down
Number of alerts462466
Price pr. server pr. year$1055$1450$996 *

* Based on a server with 4 cores

Compared to other auditing solutions

Two of the most used SQL Server auditing products are Apex SQL Audit and Quest Change Auditor.

Apex SQL Audit compared to Performance Store:

  • Agent will have to be installed on all SQL Servers
  • Very limited number of events are audited (e.g. only 7 drop events). No SQL Server Agent audit
  • You will have to manually include things to audit. Not all thing are audited by default
  • No option to view audited events visually on a timeline and e.g. correlate with performance issues
  • No third party integration to e.g. DynaTrace
  • No alerting
  • No security auditing
  • No error auditing
  • No activity auditing
  • No license auditing
  • No failover auditing
  • No patch auditing

Quest Change Auditor compared to Performance Store:

  • Agent will have to be installed on all SQL Servers
  • Limited number of events are audited. No SQL Server Agent audit
  • No option to view audited events visually on a timeline and e.g. correlate with performance issues
  • No third party integration to e.g. DynaTrace
  • No alerting
  • No security auditing
  • No error auditing
  • No activity auditing
  • No license auditing
  • No failover auditing
  • No patch auditing

FunctionalityApex SQL AuditQuest Change AuditorPerformance Store
Audit all events incl. SQL Server Agent audit
Automatically audit events instead of manually defining what to audit
Visually correlate audited events with performance statistics
Third party integration to e.g. DynaTrace
Security audit
Activity audit
Failover audit
Patch audit
Supports SQL Server 2022
Must be installed on a local SQL Server
Uses SQL Server Trace
Price pr. server pr. year$3353$2969 *included **

* Based on a company with 1000 employees and a one-time purchase price of $11876

** Included as a part of Performance Store

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