Audit dashboard

Audit dashboard The Audit dashboard contains information about all changes on servers, databases and agent jobs: The Audit dashboards shows more indepth information about the changes seen on other dashboards by activating: Read more about auditing in: Auditing. Corresponding view in the Performance Store database:dbo.v_audit Other relevant views in the Performance Store database:dbo.v_audit_extended (shows extended […]

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Databases dashboard

Databases dashboard The Databases dashboard contains information about all monitored databases: Corresponding views in the Performance Store database:dbo.v_databasesdbo.v_databases_all (includes historic data for databases that does not exist anymore) Other relevant views in the Performance Store database:dbo.v_database_accessdbo.v_database_sizesdbo.v_database_predictionsdbo.v_offline_databasesdbo.v_unused_databases

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Servers dashboard

Servers dashboard The Servers dashboard contains information about all monitored SQL Servers: Corresponding views in the Performance Store database:dbo.v_serversdbo.v_servers_all (includes historic data for servers that does not exist anymore) Other relevant views in the Performance Store database:dbo.v_server_accessdbo.v_server_configurations

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Agent jobs dashboard

Agent jobs dashboard The Agent jobs dashboard contains information about SQL Server Agent jobs: Since information about run durations (current, min, max and average) is available, it is e.g. possible to create a custom stat to trigger an alert if a job run duration is deviating too much from the average. Corresponding views in the […]

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Activity (aggregated) dashboard

Activity (aggregated) dashboard The Activity (aggregated) dashboard shows aggregated information based on the sampled activity information seen in the Activity dashboard within a selected time period: Query plans are available on the dashboard and the database views. Corresponding view in the Performance Store database:dbo.v_activity_aggregated Other relevant views in the Performance Store database:dbo.v_activity (shows historic activity […]

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Activity dashboard

Activity dashboard The Activity dashboard: The Activity dashboard is similar to the Activity (current) dashboard, but with historical activity information. Each time Performance Store is sampling a database, it saves activity information. By default, Performance Store samples activity every 30 seconds, so if a statement is running for more than 1 minute, it will show […]

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Capacity dashboard

Capacity dashboard Capacity information for SQL Servers and databases. Changes in sizes for databases and drives are shown visually. Predictions for drive usage and database sizes: Prediction information also includes: Days and hours left until empty Days and hours left until 20 percent full Used space in 6 months and 12 months Free space in […]

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Memory dashboard

Memory dashboard Shows information on memory clerks. Visual representation of the most common memory clerks are shown, as well as the top 5 memory clerks for each server pr. sample: The standard memory clerks shown are: MEMORYCLERK_SQLBUFFERPOOL, MEMORYCLERK_SQLQERESERVATIONS, CACHESTORE_OBJCP, CACHESTORE_SQLCP, CACHESTORE_PHDR Corresponding view in the Performance Store database:dbo.v_memory_clerks Other relevant views in the Performance Store […]

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Waits dashboard

Waits dashboard Overall wait statistics are presented in the top panel: By hovering the mouse over an area, it can quickly be identified which areas are being waited on. In the other panels, wait statistics for individual databases are shown, and more information can be shown by hovering the mouse over the graphs: Wait types […]

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Activity (current) dashboard

Activity (current) dashboard One of the most widely used dashboards. Will show the current activity for the selected SQL Servers and databases. If a query is blocking other queries, but the query itself is not blocked, it is considered a root blocker, and will be shown in the is_root_blocker column. If a query is a […]

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