Performance Store versions

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Performance Store versions

Performance Store comes in two versions: Full and Light.

Performance Store Light contains tools and basic functionality from the full version, but lacks features like visual dashboards and activity monitoring.

Performance Store Light can be upgraded to Performance Store Full at any time.

Full version
Light version

FunctionalityPerformance Store LightPerformance Store Full
Access and permission information
Log Analyzer
Server, database and agent job information
Capacity and predictions
Team management
Database Finder
SQL Server Patch Manager
Failover nodes integrity
Alerts and custom stats
Automated database cleanup
Visual performance metrics
Extended audit
Activity (current, historic and aggregated)
Query plans, live query plans and query plan parsing
Procedure statistics
Query statistics
Wait statistics
Memory clerks
Overview 1 and overview 2 dashboards
SQL Server license costs and optimizations
Failover history
Unused indexes information
Missing indexes information
Error information
Top queries information
Deadlock reports
Blocked process reports
File size change information
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